What’s the Point of Spirituality? Am I ‘Spiritual’? Spirituality Explained In 5 Points, A First Grader Can Understand It 🥰💖🧘🏻‍♀️

Spirituality Lifestyle Blog
3 min readJun 28, 2021

You see it everywhere nowadays… the latest and best quotes under everyone’s Instagram picture, or their tiktok, or the latest trending picture from someone’s amazing and beautiful trip they took to be ‘spiritual’ and practice being enlightened for 2 days…

And then they come back and they’re back to their old ways…

❌ Fighting with their spouses or significant others

❌ complaining about their day at work again because their coworker kissed up to the boss again and they’re fed up with it

❌ or just eating the same food that makes them feel terrible for the remainder of the week because it throws off their whole nervous system and hormonal system in their body…

And then there’s the unlimited ads on YouTube promising you a better life and one that’s shiny and has tons of rainbows… if you practice this thing called… “spirituality”. ;)

But then there’s the other side of the group of people in a Facebook page chat who are trying to “bring out the truth” of what spirituality actually is…

They get angrier at the spiritual world as the days go on because they’re “so over everyone thinking spirituality is all about positivity”.

Um well newsflash for BOTH of these groups.

  1. You’re not “spiritual” by going to a spiritual retreat once a year and posting all of your glorious pictures.
  2. Group 2, you’re ALSO not a spiritual person simply because YOU understand spirituality is not all “sunshine and rainbows” and you AGGRESSIVELY want everyone to know this.

These are my biggest 2 pet-peeves in the spiritual world.

  1. The people who glorify spirituality like it’s supposed to be this amazing picture on Instagram for a bunch of likes; and
  2. The people who are supposedly so concious and aware of how beautifully spiritual they are, they actually have no idea they’re not operating with a spiritual mindset at all…

But now that I got that off my chest, okay Brittany, so what actually is a spiritual life then anyway??!

Okay let’s be honest here for a second, I’ve been studying spirituality since I was in 4th grade when I begged and pleaded my parents to bring me to church, and I’m 25 now.

I’m a 200 Hour Yoga Teacher in Connecticut and a Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 1 by Paul Chek and I have some huge plans coming up to further help individuals who would like the help in their spiritual growth.

Put simply, after studying spirituality for over 15 years now, if I had to quickly sum up spirituality in 5 points, I would explain it as:

  1. ✅ The daily practice of becoming the best version (vibration) of yourself
  2. ✅ Living out your best life and living completely authentically to what your soul believes your purpose to be
  3. ✅ Experiencing more peace and Harmony in this life
  4. ✅ Believing in something higher than yourself with maybe even; prayer and gratitude
  5. ✅ Being more conscious and aware of your surroundings, energy, vibration and frequencies around and in you.

In conclusion

As I conclude this post, I want to emphasize the following statement; a spiritual life depends solely on the individual soul that’s reading this.

It’s about connecting with your soul and a higher source within or without of you, whichever you prefer while;

  1. Becoming the best and highest vibration of yourself 💖
  2. Living your best life in authenticity through your soul and inner purpose 💖
  3. Operating and putting love first (do this by bringing things CLOSER to you and not PUSHING things AWAY from you) 💖 and experiencing more peace and harmony because of this 💖
  4. Believing in something higher than yourself either within or with-out you 💖
  5. Increasing consciousness and awareness of your surroundings, energies, vibrations and frequencies and using them to your advantage and towards your overall purpose 💖

Nikola Tesla once said in his book “if you wish to understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.

What do you think? Are you living a spiritual life?

Want to see more content? Visit www.spiritualitylifestyleblog.com 💖

Namaste wonderful soul 💖😘

