Bioenergetics: 7 Ways To Heal Your Mind With Your Body — Spirituality Lifestyle Blog

Spirituality Lifestyle Blog
10 min readNov 8, 2019

Bioenergetics is a new way of therapy. It uses your body to express and heal your mind rather than just talking about it and having nothing get better.

I would know. Over the years, I have taken a number of therapy sessions in search to finally find out what was wrong with me and how I could finally heal my mind once and for all.

But after every session, I was always left without an answer

Side Note: I have found some sessions were very helpful so by all means, if they help you, continue doing them. Therapy sessions are better then bottling it up.

Your Body is Your Mind:

Since I have started working at a gym, I have one of the greatest blessings to be able to see hundreds and thousands of people going from completely hating themselves to absolutely loving themselves after they finally get the health they have been wanting for such a long time.

In turn, their relationships are better with themselves and their surroundings, they make more money and they’re so much happier with themselves.

It’s like by healing and making their bodies healthier, they’re in turn making their minds and life healthier too… To see the full benefits of practicing spirituality in modern life check this out.

That’s exactly what I discovered after my 3 day weekend stay at a bioenergetics grounding camp in New York.

I discovered how I could use my body to heal my mind.

This bioenergetics experience has been and continues to be one of the best and most important experiences I have had in my spiritual growth so far.

I now have more self-confidence, self-acceptance, strength and ability to express myself, power to saying ‘no’ and knowledge that I can choose to create my own reality mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually which I would have otherwise never had without this experience.

Here are 7 ways to heal your mind with your body:

*Please note, each exercise was about 15 minutes when I was at the camp. Also, consistency is key for results.

1. Dance Like No One is Watching

One of my favorite bioenergetics exercise they had us doing was dancing. But not just regular dancing where you’re wondering if someone is watching you.

Dancing like, NO ONE is watching you.

A lot of times when you’re feeling mentally stuck and frozen in life, if you pay attention to how your body feels, you’ll notice that it feels stuck and frozen too…

The freedom of dance tells your body and mind that you are free to move how you would like to move and you can do what you want to do. Directions:

Dance without judgement like you were 2 years old again dancing to your favorite song(s). Move how your body wants to move. Laugh at yourself and learn to have fun again. Don’t take it so seriously and just dance.

Make yourself free again and move your body, in turn you’re moving your mind.

2. Go Against Societal Norms and Yes, Dance with CONFIDENCE

Society teaches you that to be confident would mean that you’re conceited and you’re full of yourself, this bioenergetics exercise is perfect for anyone struggling with accepting and loving themselves.

Release yourself from the shame that was given to you as a child for loving yourself and dance with confidence. Hold your chest up high and by all means, be as confident as you would like to be. It’s your dance, after all.

Now, it should be noted that when you’re first starting out it may feel completely wrong to dance and walk around with confidence. After all, everyone has been telling you you should do the complete opposite.

Give yourself permission to dance as confident as you would like to a song that gives you the feeling of confidence and you’ll soon realize that it’s completely okay to be confident.

Dance to a confident song. At the camp, they had us dance to a confident Kanye West song.. do that if that’s what helps you.

Put on a song that makes you feel confident about yourself, pick your shoulders up and hold yourself up high. Pump your chest like a gorilla would. Walk around the room to the song with extreme amounts of confidence. Note: this is an exercise, eventually your subconscious will start to hold itself high, because that’s what your body wants anyway. Have fun and understand that it’s completely okay to be confident in yourself. 3. Don’t Be Afraid to Say NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

This was one of my favorite exercises to do when I was at the camp and one that personally gave me the feeling of strength and power in myself that I’ve never felt before.

You can practice this with someone and have the other person stand in front of you. Now take your foot (either one), and stomp it on the ground by claiming your territory again. At the same time you are going to take as much power you have inside yourself and scream as loud as you can so the person in front of you can hear it; NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

This exercise was one of my favorites and it made me realize how much I didn’t say no enough in my life to things the that were important to me. I couldn’t stop smiling after this exercise.

This exercise teaches you how to say no and how to have the boundaries that you’ve buried deep within yourself a long time ago and how to renown your territory that you live on; your body. 😉

4. Un-Numb Your Body and Start Feeling Your Emotions

When is the last time that you have actually aloud yourself to fully feel your emotions?

What does it feel like to be in your body anyway?

A great deal of Dr. Alexander Lowen’s bioenergetics studies and teachings have to do with learning how to feel the body again because by refusing to feel, you are refusing to feel ALIVE.

Feeling means that you are alive, embrace those feelings and embrace the full human experience and bring it as a part of yourself. Directions:

Once you allow your body to move how it would like to move (see number 1), you’ll realize that it will be easier to allow your emotions to move themselves.

Allow the emotion to arise, whichever emotion it is. If it’s anger, scream and kick and punch the pillow near you. If it’s laughter, laugh, scream, kick and free yourself. If it’s sadness, cry and/or ask yourself the questions that your body is asking yourself to cry out. Regardless of the emotion, be in a state of allowing and allow your body and emotions to fully express itself. TIP: If you are struggling to feel which emotion you are feeling now because of repression, you can start by using your body to feel the emotion. Want to cry, start to ask WHY WHY WHY like a 5 year old would. Want to be angry, punch a soft pillow. The emotions will come when they are ready to. And when they do, allow them to arise. Because by releasing yourself of the emotions that are hidden within you, you release yourself of hidden pains and traumas. Making it easier for yourself to be present in the NOW. And of course, give yourself the permission to relax afterwards and take a break. Relax once completed and never drive or operate a heavy machine while doing this. 5. Walk Outside Barefoot — Connect With Mother Nature and Ground Yourself

The bioenergetics camp that I was at for 3 days was outside. There was no service and it was completely secluded from the business of everyday life in the mountains of New York.

The only things I had around me on this healing journey were the people around me and lovely Mother Nature.

Because of this I was able to take lots of time with nature and I also walked wherever I had to go.

A lot of times people walk with their shoes. Shoes block the energy that otherwise Mother Nature would be able to give you.

Connect with your Mother Earth and feel her connection with you by walking barefoot with her and feeling what she feels like below you.



Step 1. Must be outside for this exercise. Take a walk on the warm ground below you. TIP: My mentor even said that the more mildew the grass has, (so about morning time), the more grounded you will feel. Step 2. Feel and envision the roots that connect your feet to Mother Earth. Step 3. Feel the connection how you would if you felt the connection of your umbilical cord to your mother while in the womb still.

6. Belly Breathing: Because When You’re Breathing, You’re Living

Bioenergetics belly breathing opens your body to living. Immediately after doing this, I have felt sensations in my body that make me start to feel again.


Step 1. Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet shoulder width apart or maybe an inch more. Step 2. Place both hands on your stomach and breathe in with your mouth open. Step 3. Breathe through your belly and feel your stomach go up as you breathe in.

TIP: For this exercise, start at your own pace if you are doing it by yourself. Try no more than 1 minute when you’re just starting out.

7. If You Don’t Do Anything Else, Try This Grounding Pose and Feel Grounded in Less than 2 Minutes

One of my favorite things to do when time is of the essence in this busy world, is this grounding pose seen in Dr. Alexander Lowen’s books:

I literally do just 2 minutes of this bioenergetics exercise and when I’m done, I feel stronger on my legs feel more balanced and grounded.


Step 1. Spread your feet shoulder width apart. Put your weight on your big toes and NOT on the heels of your feet. Step 2. Bend your knees as seen in the picture and finish it off with the bowed arms behind you.

TIP: You can belly breathe while doing this. For me, I get the huge feeling of balance just by doing this pose for 2 minutes, sometimes even less.

What are some exercises that have worked for you on your spiritual journey? Comment and let US know below!

Are You Spiritually Awakening? Here Are 15 Signs You Are Spiritually Awakening Conclusion

Bioenergetics given me self-confidence, self-acceptance, strength and ability to express myself, power to say ‘no’ and wisdom to know that I can choose to create my own reality which I would have otherwise never known without this experience.

It’s important to know that when you are doing these exercises, it is common to have past repressed memories show up for healing.

The instructor at the camp reminded us a few times that after the camp was over, life could be beauty and sunny but it could also be the opposite, darker and painful.

That’s what healing is.

It’s not always the easiest experience and sometimes it can be very scary to face the deepest, darkest pains inside you but facing it is just embracing it and how you begin to actually heal from old wounds.

*Note: I do encourage you to find a professional to do the exercises with for safety purposes and then you can give yourself the ability to fully focus on your healing.

You too can heal your mind or your biggest problems and blockages that are holding you back from being the best version of yourself with your body.

I encourage you to read more about bioenergetics by reading Dr. Alexander Lowen’s books before doing any of this to make sure it’s a perfect match for you, some of my favorites by Dr. Alexandar Lowen:

Namaste Beautifuls!!!

Peace, Love and Happiness,

Spirituality Lifestyle Blog

*Disclaimer. Please note this should not replace any kind of professional medical advice. If you feel you can’t trust yourself doing these exercises alone because you are afraid of hurting yourself or someone else, please find a professional to help guide you through this and be there to support you along the way and to protect you to make sure that no one gets injured or hurt along the way.

Originally published at on November 8, 2019.

