7 Easy Steps To Manifest Anything You Want — Spirituality Lifestyle Blog

Spirituality Lifestyle Blog
11 min readMay 28, 2020

A lot of people think to manifest anything you want in your life takes long hours and hard work, but it doesn’t

“When we honor our body as an intimate vehicle of self expression and realize that it manifests everything inside of our psyche… we can be aware of what we’re creating and that we have the power to do things.” — Paul Chek

The truth is, you can never actually stop manifesting. (It’s pretty much second nature to you whether you notice it or not).

It’s just your job right now to notice what you are manifesting and change any necessary actions to match your newly desired manifestation’s vibration.

And that is exactly what I am going to cover in today’s blog post.

I’ll show you exactly how you can start to manifest anything you want by changing your vibration to go with the vibration of the thing you wish to manifest and not against it.

And I’ll absolutely show you the exact 7 steps you can take so that you can manifest anything you want in your life whether that be more money, relationships, love, happiness, etc. You got it. It’s your life. You are the creator!

And as a note, these 7 steps have been built strategically for you as they are all part of this 1 simple AMAZING manifesting process:

You have to KNOW it, then you have to ASK for it, SEE it, BELIEVE it, FEEL it, ALLOW it and lastly, REPEAT it (PS. Yes, it will be apprx 60–90 days to manifest!).

So, Let’s Start Manifesting!! Here Are The 7 Easy Steps To Manifest Anything You Want In Your Life:


The first thing you are going to want to do if you are looking to manifest in your life is to get very specific on what you are trying to manifest in your life.

Most of our blocks to manifesting what we desire is because we aren’t even sure what it is that we 110% want.

How is the universe supposed to work with you to create your desired reality if you don’t even know what it is that you want to manifest?!

Here’s some tips to help so you can get extremely specific on what it is you are looking to manifest.

This is how most people say their manifestation goals:

“I want to know how to play the guitar” or “I want to meet my prince charming” or “I want a new car” or “I want to be a millionaire” or “I want to be less stressed out”.

They sound great, but let me show you some examples of when these statements are 110% SPECIFIC:

“I want to perform Purple Rain by Prince on the guitar by January 2021, with my band, in the Mohegan Concert Venue, with an audience of 2,600 people.” or;

“I want to meet my prince charming at the bookstore, who has brown hair, lovely eyes, follows the same vegan diet that I do, practices spirituality everyday, works out at the gym, loves singing, is a storyteller, wants to grow, wants 2 kids and is into manifesting like me.” or;

“I want to purchase my own blue Porsche 718 Cayman S by 05/31/2021.” or;

“I want one $5,000 paycheck in my name from my sold out $22.99 t-shirts by 11/30/2020, then one $10,000 paycheck by 4/30/2021.” or;

“I want to be in complete serenity on the Sandal Tree Zone Resort in Bali in Room 12 for 30 days with my best friend from March 12th, 2021 to April 12th, 2021.”

Do you see the difference between the first few shorter statements and the longer specific statements?

The shorter ones are simple, but vague and not focus-driven and the longer ones are specific and extremely focus driven…

Another thing that can help you to get more specific if you are struggling with the step is to keep asking yourself questions about your desire and then answering them.

For instance, “what color do I want my car to be? What year do I want my car to be? When will I put my first payment in for my new car? Where will I go to buy my car? Who will I speak to when I buy my car? What will my car smell like? What will it look like? Who will I bring with me when I drive it?”

When you are asking yourself these questions it is extremely important to speak in positive and affirming statements like “when WILL I do this?” and not in passive context like “when SHOULD I do this?”

When you are speaking to yourself this way you are training your brain to commit and BELIEVE you ARE going to get this reality or that heck, you already DO have this reality.

You will know what you want when you know what you don’t want.

#1 quick tip to get specific & manifest anything in your life:

#2 tip to get specific & manifest anything in your life:

When you’re creating, it’s important to create a S.M.A.R.T. goal. One that is specific, measurable (trackable so you can know when you achieve it), attainable (a goal that is challenging but possible), realistic, time-bound (give yourself a target date to hold yourself accountable); on average I’ve seen huge manifesting results when fully committed in just 60–90 days.

#3 tip to get specific & manifest anything in your life:

I highly recommend that on your journey of manifesting you choose 1 thing to focus on at a time. As one of my mentors say, “the man who chases 2 rabbits, catches none”.


The next thing you are going to do once you have answered all of your questions and have gotten EXTREMELY specific about what it is that you want to manifest in your life is WRITE. IT. DOWN.

This seems obvious, but studies show that our brains will remember 80% more of what we see, hear, study, learn etc. when we write it down on a piece of paper.

Typing it in your phone, computer and laptop is an option too, but I promise you, it is much more of a commitment and mark in your subconscious when you use your hands to write it down (the old fashioned way).

The next thing you are going to do is hang it up so that it is the first thing you see every morning right when you wake up.

You can put this on the fridge or next to the bathroom mirror, or on your bedroom wall… ( Wherever it is, it should be the first thing you see in the morning as a reminder).

You can even glue or draw on images if that helps you to remember in the mornings!

It should be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night.

The purpose of this step is to help you to commit, remember, inspire and stay consistent.


The next thing you are going to do is ask the universe for it.

If you are just starting out on their spiritual journey this can sound really weird and strange to you… Soo, we’re asking the air in front of us? Well, in a way, yes kind of…

Remember what I said earlier in this post that we are always manifesting something… good, bad or indifferent?

Now it’s your time to truly focus on putting out this new energy for the universe to work it’s magic.

And not only does this step put the energy into the universe, but it also teaches your mind to subconsciously accept receiving.

A lot of times when we are looking to manifest a specific desire into our life, we can be afraid of receiving which is why some people never actually receive their manifestation

It could be because we don’t feel worthy of receiving, or we don’t deserve it, etc, etc…

Ask the universe and then just trust the process.

Here’s An Example Of How You Can Ask The Universe In A Gratitude And Confirming Statement:

“Thank you Universe for all of the abundance and gratitude you have given me and thank you for bringing my new blue Porsche 718 Cayman S to me on 05/31/2021… Thank you for your energy and abundance. I receive all of your generous and grateful gifts you give me.”

As you can see, this statement isn’t written as a question ( you totally can do that too but in a confirming and I-already-have-this kind of way)…

Rather, it is written like you already have your new blue Porsche 718 Cayman S right now.

It’s also written with gratitude because with gratitude comes a much more grateful and abundant mindset, allowing the gifts and energy into your life that the universe has to give you.

*Repeat this step and say this gratitude energy prayer 3 times in the morning when you first wake up, 6 times at lunch and 9 times before you go to bed to manifest anything in your life.

This will train your brain to really remember it and it will become your newest reality.

Just trust the universe and it will hold it for you.


Now that you know EVERYTHING about what you want to manifest, it’s time to put pictures to this thought and EXPERIENCE it in the right NOW.

Nikola Tesla was a great example of practicing visualization skills; so much so that he quoted: “however unbelievable, it is a fact that they [his visualizations] were just as dear to me as those in actual life and not a bit less intense in their manifestations.”

When you begin to experience this reality and visualize EVERYTHING you can about it, it becomes so real to you that it can be difficult to know what’s real and what’s a dream…

You can get closer to your feeling state by asking yourself questions like this:

It should be noted that you DO NOT STOP THIS STEP UNTIL you are officially in your feeling zone.

Using your 5 senses in this exercise will help you to stay present and create your reality in your mind.

…What does this reality feel like to me? What does it look like? Smell like? Sound like? And what does it taste like (if applicable)?


Step 5 is probably the most important step among all of the 7 manifesting steps because when you are in your believing state you are also in your feeling state and this state is what creates your reality and how you are going to manifest.

You have to believe everything you are hearing, seeing, saying, smelling, touching about your desired manifestations in order to actually manifest this into your new reality.

It’s crucial to let go of ALL the beliefs that no longer serve you and the reality that you desire and to let go of the ideas in your head of other people saying “you can’t have that” or “that can’t be your reality” or “you should do something else” or your own thoughts like “I’m not good enough” etc.

If you are struggling to truly feel this reality into your reality then you can do this exercise to help:

Write down 100 positive affirmations that confirm your desired reality like “I have my dream car” or “I am capable of having my dream car”.

And you should read these affirmations every single day until you have it instilled into your subconscious.

Once you have reached your feeling state and you believe that you already have this reality in your life, you can go to step#6.

Now that you’ve done the asking, you just have to do the allowing and get into alignment for your desired reality. Allowing is the path of least resistance. If you are finding it difficult to allow and you are still holding resistance to the new reality then you still have inner blockages to remove.

Step 6: ALLOW

The best way I have learned to let go of any or all resistance while manifesting is by doing my visualizations and breathing long deep breaths in and out at the same time and allow all the manifesting and abundant energy to flow within you.

By allowing, you are removing old energy no longer needed in your space and making room for new and abundant energy.

Allow the new energy to flow within you!

Step 7: SATYA!!! (Yogi Sanskrit for TRUTH)

The last step of the manifestation process is satya which in a quick definition means making sure your thoughts, words, actions, are all congruent with one another.

It’s one thing to read a blog post about how to manifest and it’s completely other thing to start actually taking the right action steps to manifest your desired reality.

Repetition is key here for you to manifest your desired reality.

Everyday, you should make sure your actions, words and thoughts are all in congruence with your desired reality.

That could mean if you are looking to achieve a certain health standard or weight number, it’s important to LIVE the lifestyle that will bring you those results, like; sticking to a gym routine, getting a health coach, eating the right foods, drinking the right amount of water, etc.

Make sure that your reality is yours and you keep going after your goals through your actions, thoughts and words every. single. day.

…Or if you are looking to reach a certain number in your bank account, make sure that everyday, ALL of your decisions are optimized for your desired reality. Like; waking up earlier and setting up a productive routine, hiring a finance coach, etc.


I’ve always heard of people saying ‘you are the sum of the 5 people you most hang out with’ and this is so true when you are on your manifesting journey.

Hang out with the people who already have the reality you desire and you will be that much closer to manifesting THAT reality!

There’s no coincidence that the rich end up hanging out with the rich and the healthy hang out with the healthy and so on

In Conclusion:

You can manifest anything you want in literally 60–90 days when you put these 7 easy steps into serious action and you match the vibration of that reality you want.

Simply start by first KNOWING it, then ASKING for it, SEEING it, BELIEVING it, FEELING it, ALLOWING it and then REPEATING it.

The key to manifesting what you desire in your life is being in the feeling/believing state and you’ll get to the feeling state with these 7 steps:

Step 1: Be specific, Step 2: Write it down, Step 3: Ask the universe for it, Step 4: Visualize everything you can about it (experiencing it completely in your 5 senses), Step 5: Believe it to be your reality right NOW, Step 6: Allow it to manifest & release all resistance to it with breathing exercises and Step 7: Make sure all of your words, thoughts and actions are in congruence with one another.

If you want to be healthy, surround yourself with healthy people who have the exact results you are looking to achieve.

If I didn’t do any of these 7 steps, I would pay close attention to the bonus tip: watch who you surround yourself with while you are manifesting.

Or if you want to find a specific soul mate, surround yourself in the environment you believe they are hanging out.

Or if you want to be more financially free, surround yourself with the people who have the financial freedom you are looking to achieve.

And just as importantly, be very clear and specific with your manifestation intentions because if you don’t know what you are working towards you’ll end up in a confusing situation you didn’t realize you manifested.

Lastly, to manifest anything in your life you must make sure your thoughts, words, actions, are all congruent with one another by continuing this practice every single day in your daily routine (for apprx 60–90 days):

WAKING UP: Repeat & thank the Universe for your manifestation (step #3) 3x

LUNCH TIME: Repeat & thank the Universe for your manifestation (step #3) to yourself 6x

RIGHT BEFORE BEDTIME: Repeat & thank the Universe for your manifestation (step #3) to yourself 9x

NOTE: Continue this until manifested and these exercises should always be done with the energy and believing state. If you don’t believe it yet, breathe until you release all resistance to the idea.

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Namaste Conscious Creator!

~Spirituality Lifestyle Blog

Originally published at https://spiritualitylifestyleblog.com on May 28, 2020.

